The program is now online!

The program is now online!
18 augustus 2020 Richard Slager

Many people know about Centre Lothlorien and One Planet – One People because of the great festivals that were organised in the past. The Lothlorien Peacefestival 2011, The Lothlorien Peacefestival 2013, The Earth Day Global Festival in 2014 and The Lothlorien Peacefestival in 2015.

With the One Planet – One People Gathering of 2017 the festivals have gone through a transformation in which, with all the people present we actually try to practically create a difference in the world. Never the less, the core of the activities is to be together, in peace and harmony and to celebrate life.

This sunday the One Planet – One People gathering 2020 will start. Now inspiring initiatives are coming together to share their weaknesses and strengths. To exchange with eachother and together take action to create a better world.

A Better World, We’ll DO it together!

The Program is now online. If you were not convinsed yet, be convinsed now. Sign up now and be part of the gathering!

To Change the World, we need eachother

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Download a .pdf of the program


Read more about the participants

Program gathering 2020

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