The One Planet – One People gathering 2020 is completed!
It has been a great harmonious week with a large variety of activities, beautiful individuals, lovely music and an unparalleled atmosphere.
The main attention this gathering has gone out to different worldwide projects that aim for a better world. By sharing their vision, pioneers got to be an inspiration to others and connect with like-minded people. The first project that was presented was the Healingcenter IXPIYAKOK IXMUKANE in Chichicastanengo, Guatemala. Since the gathering of 2017 Centre Lothlorien with help from their international network has raised over EUR 20.000,- to make the dream of Grandmother Tomasa come true as she has realized the building of her own healing center.
Now, out of the nominated projects a new sponsorproject has been chosen for which Centre Lothlorien, with support from participants of the One Planet – One People Gathering 2020, will raise money for the next 2 years. This project is Collectivo Wixari.
Collectivo Wixari tells the story of the Wixaritari, an indigenous people that fled into the mountains when the Hispanic Conquistadors took their land and threatened their safety. After decades this peoples existence is at stake as many young abled men are leaving to work in the cities and as the land they live in is becoming inhabitable by climate change, drought and erosion.
Collectivo Wixari is a young and not widely known initiative that was founded in 2012 to help these people, by giving them the means to help themselves. In the last eight years work has been created for over 120 Wixari artist, who’s art and clothing are sold online. As a Fairtrade project, this creates income for many families and money is used for environmental projects.
These environmental projects include teaching the Wixari about modern techniques for agriculture. Systems are set in place to keep the available water from flowing away and re-use it for multipurpose. Scientific research has been done on the soil so that desert land can be turned into an orchard and fields for farming.
The Wixari are spread out over Mexico. Collectivo Wixari has the experience to make the required changes. Now with the help of Centre Lothlorien and of course with your help, they can start an environmental project in another village. This way more people can find jobs, more art can get on the market, more water can be re-used, more soil can be fertilized and Collectivo Wixari can grow its reach and get more support from their own government and worldwide to help more and more of the Wixari.
A beautiful culture can be saved and a bright future can be given to future generation.
Your donation can help people now and many generations to come!
You can donate to: Triodos rekening nr. NL40TRIO, BIC TRIONL2U, in the name of Vereniging Vrienden van Lothlorien, Franeker
A better world, we’ll DO it together!