May 2018: Mongolian Shamans will come again to Lothlorien

May 2018: Mongolian Shamans will come again to Lothlorien
12 oktober 2017 Fredy Wamelink

We are very happy to tell you that Munkgerel Bat and Enkhtaivan Dorjdulam the two Mongolian Shamains who impressed us all will come back to Centre Lothlorien.

Now they will come for a special week (May 20-26) about Mongolian Shamanisme. They will share a lot with us about there culture.

There will be

*A Fire Ceremony.

*Workshops like Traditional Shamanic Dance, Drum and Harp lesson and Throat singing.

Topics as:
Mongolian Shamanism and Culture
Mongolian Shaman Dress and equipment
5 continents in invisible world
9 offerings to the Nature
Human intuition

*Human 7 hurd (chakras) Healing and Exercise.

Private consultation en healing massage are also possible

More about the program will come in January 2018.

It is already possible to make a reservation, Send an email to [email protected]

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