<< My name is Moussa Diakhate, and i was born March 15, 1987 in Thies, a town at 70 km distance of the capital of Senegal, Dakar. After my Bac ( Diploma Lycee ) in 2007, I studied Law at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar from 2008 till 2011.
At this time, I have a shop for ’tissues’ in Gambia, which implies trade from products from Senegal to Gambia.
For a better world, we need peace, we cannot improve human life, as long as there is no peace on this whole Planet, that is inhabited by one people, one and the same mankind.
Senegal is one of the rare countries of Africa, where stability reigns, and peace; this peace is characterized by a sound dialogue between Christianity and Islam, but also by a good living together – cohabitation – of people with different ethnical background.>>