Every society in the world has own unique tradition and wisdom. I want to explore all of them as I can, and keep them in the world.
I am Mongolian Shaman and Shaman Researcher.
– Researching Shamanism for 7 years.
– Created “Mongol Tenger Unen” Shaman Association in 2011 and works as a head of this union since 2011.
-“Mongol Tenger Unen’ is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, established to spread the ancestor knowledge, heritage and ancient Mongolian wisdom.
– Mongol Tenger Unen NGO is located in Central Asia and has been working continuous since 2011 and organized total 60 more shamanic events in over the worlds, and published 13 books from Ancestor spirits.
Conference Contribution
May 29-31, 2014. “The First Shaman Art” international conference in Shanghai, China. Shanghai Conservatory of Music and the Institute of Northeast Asian Music (Korea) will co-hosted the conference. My speech about Mongolian Shaman Clothes and equipment in my blog: here is link
April 21-26, 2015. Festival of Shamanism. The 8th Festival of Shamanism, Fanlac in France. The Circle of Wisdom Ancestral Traditions Union organized this event and participated 90 more Shamans, healers, shamanic teachers and artists from the 5 continents for over 250 ceremonies and workshops. Elected by first Mongolian council member of Circle of Wisdom. Links
My blog: http://duulin.blogspot.com
My works: www.youtube.com/tengermongolgazar
Organized events: www.ShamanFestivalMongolia.com
Mongol Tenger Unen Association: www.TengerMongolGazar.mn