Ariane Elizabeth Timmermans

Ariane Elizabeth Timmermans

“Just breathe, feel the unconditional love that permeates everything, be still, see that it is truly unconditional and give it light. “


I am a Human Design analyst and a cultural anthropologist. There two perspective allows me to investigate endlessly the relationship between the individual and the collective. On my website I offer consults and write articles on the topics that interest me.
Human Design has allowed me to understand the inner mechanics of my Being. I can now recognise my Inner Authority and no longer need the mental certainty my mind craves for. As a Self-Projected Projector, I find my path in life following the direction my body indicates. In retrospect, I can see that I have done this my whole life. Thanks to Human Design I no longer think I need to be anywhere else than exactly where I want to be and I can rest in my own Truth.
The path of Enlightenment, awakening to the awareness of the Oneness of the Universe, has been a continuous theme throughout my life. Conscious living has always been a natural way for me to experience this life. Human Design, the teachings of Ra Uru Hu, is the foremost way through which I learn about the nature of human awareness. From spiritual teachers such as Osho and Bentinho Massaro, I learn to experience the differentiation between the knowledge of my mind, the wisdom of my body, and the pure awareness of Being. I am continuously developing in this practice and it is interwoven in everything I share.