Yess we are going to build our next Sacred Space for Grandmothers and women!! In France at Centre Lothlorien! Will you be one of the spaceholders? We can do this together.
Our Foundation’s primary focus is supporting organizations, communities, co-created conferences and gatherings with their mission to be servable to Earth and all her relations, One Human Family and Peace for all. We specifically do this by creating physical places for grandmothers and women to gather, warm and safe and sacred. To take their place in the bigger circle of all relatives. A space to initiate, to do ceremony and to be keepers of this space and invite others in and to go out and share within the bigger circle the spirit of lifegiving principle.
With the support of a very big circle of people from many places, we were able to deliver a Big Yurt to grandmothers of the Standing Rock Movement. With these women we are in the midst of the learning process of how to build, use and gathering people to work for the community and prepare for a new camp and being able to winterize camp life.
NOW we will create together a Sacred Space for Women at Centre Lothlorien in the North East of France. This will be a space where women will be able to gather and invite our grandmothers in. To work with each other, sharing hearts, to do ceremony and also to invite in our men in, for protection and holding space and sharing together, to support and be servable to the NEXT generations, our Youth and the Unborn.
16-26 June at Centre Lothlorien a special gathering will take place www.oneplanet-onepeople.org
We respond to the request to also create a sacred space at this beautiful place, with a Yurt where women can gather in a warm and safe and sacred space. A unique chance came on our path. A Yurt with a diameter of 6 meter is offered to us as part of a donation to this space, for a very low price. The Yurt still needs to be transported, and needs to be built as soon as possible. This is a call we like to answer.
Will you help us to create this?
For the period between 25 May and 13 June (prefarbly 1-4 June)
• Welwilling ones who are skilled to built and/or willing to built this Yurt as Sacred Space.
• and willing to transport the Yurt to Centre Lothlorien
We offer
• a nice trip, a great spot to be, an hospitable family and relatives and a few days of.
Do you want to support to help us create this and make it a permanent warm sacred space? [email protected] with your name, your ideas and what days you are available between 25 May and 13 June.
You can also be part of this by a Donation.
Total costs will be 3000 – 4000 euro (yurt, stove, transport, floor, wood). We aim to deliver the Yurt for a couple of seasons to ground this Space and maybe travel further to the next spot in Europe.
De Sacred Space for Women will hold a list of Spaceholders en Spacekeepers in which we will honour all sponsors, donators, contributors in any form.
Stichting Four Worlds o.v.v. YURT LOTHLORIEN
IBAN NL92BUNQ2290175102