It is time for us to collectively awaken and see the earth for what it actually is: our true mother. This great earth is the womb from which we were born and the source of our life and all life on this planet. From this shared womb it is clear we are one people, we are brothers and sisters, and it is now more than ever our duty to come together and save this planet. The One Planet, One People summit understands this and has my full and enthusiastic support. We have the knowledge, with our elders. We have the energy and the motivation, in ourselves and in our children. So join us for this wonderful peace gathering as one people, where we can reconnect to our true nature, to our humanity and to our ancient spirit wisdom. And most importantly, where we can collectively sow the seeds of hope for a brighter healthier future for our planet.
Hedi de Vree,
Auteur van het boek:
“Blijven ademhalen.
Wat yoga mij over liefde, verdriet en het leven leerde”.