Hello. My name is Berit Soukup.
Right now i’m making a volunteer social year in a hospital in Germany.
My mum is Gabriele Kapp and throughout her i have the chance to be part of this. I’m 18 years old and will bring my girlfriend Sarah Akinci with me.
I’m through some rough times but right now I feel arrived.
Two years ago i moved to my mother – the best decision I’ve ever made – and now I have a real home.
A real carrying family. My girlfriend lives together with us and somehow I feel like we are form of modern living.
Right now I have a lack of orientation. What should I do with my life? What job makes me happy and is still something that helps others?
But still I’m comfortable with my life and happy of all the opportunities i have.
I really have a strong sense of justice and if somethings unfair I can’t stand that.
I think it should be a value in the whole world and I think there’s a sense of fairness in us all. In my opinion a human itself is a good person and in cause of all the circumstances right now this is opressed and should be set free.
And I think we can achieve that throughout communication and fellowships.
Working in the hospital made myself more empathetic, I think.
I learned to think of all the reasons a human could have to act a certain way and not to judge this fast or feel weakened. There were many things i took too personal and that made me feel uncertain and shy. I’m also more comfortable talking to others and I got more confidence. I started talking to others for example in the subway and I think these little chats and exchanges are the ones that make us feel happy, appreciated and more connected. Many older people in the hospital feel alone and such little talks make them smile and they make me happy too. It think the small things are the most effective ones. And the easiest to start out.
The best way to start is to connect and exchange just like this project wants us to.
I thank you for this chance!!
My Name is Sarah Akinci.
I’m 22 and I’m working as a landscape gardener but after that I’m going to study biology.
I’m curious of new things and want to learn my whole life through. Together with my girlfriend Berit I’m living with her mother Gabriele Kapp and I’m very happy of this new family.
The connection of the biology and our behaving, our social bondings and communities is something that really attracts my attention.
I’m also very interested in art and architecture.
These things are international. It’s like a form of communication.
Meeting new people, especially from other countries with completely different lifes will be a incredible experience.
I’m glad if I can get this opportunity!
Thank you very much!!
We are happy to meet you soon.
Please, let me introduce myself: My name is Dorian L. Madel, I’m 22 years old and working as an educator in training. Given the nature of my job I consider myself a very open and curious person, always trying to explore the world and learn more about it with my children. There are many things that interest me: art, music, electronics, literature, philosophy, animation and more. My hobby’s also include practicing with poi’s, which is a form of performing art or choreographed dance with two tethered weights, so to speak. But online games, reading and cooking also take time off my day. Right now I’m living in a 2 room apartment, which I share with my girlfriend and our 3 guinea pigs. Obviously it goes without saying that communication between people and sharing experiences is an exciting activity that not only helps bring people together, but also allows us to understand each other better.
I hope to meet many new people!
- Dorian L. Madel