<<Being involved with ‘our’ Lothlorien Peace Festivals, nearly right from the start, I certainly appreciate your invitation
to join the 144 invited Earth-keepers for participation in the One Planet – One People Human World Summit.
And I feel honored … to again cooperate in this Summit, which in my experience is energetically a continuation of the
Return of the Ancestors (ROTA) Gathering, 2008 in Sedona, as were the foregoing Gatherings, on instigation of Mayan Elder
Don Alejandro Cirilo: ‘Bridging the America’s’.. fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor Dancing Together…
With Akke, I had the privilege to assist at ROTA 2008, for the Life-changing experience in joining in the Old Ceremonies
from living ‘rationally’, in the mind, to ‘Living from the Heart’
It was because of this intense experience at the ROTA Gathering, together with Akke, that in 2010 I so willingly could react
to the request of Lucas, if via the contacts we had from the ROTA, it should be possible to invite Native Wisdomkeepers from
‘the America’s’ and other countries to be present at the Peace Festivals to be organized at Lothlorien in 2011, and thereafter
in 2013 and 2015.
Together with Les/Leyland Carney and Maria Lagou, both also present at ROTA 2008, we could arrange those contacts, for the
Lothlorien Peace Festivals of recent years, of which the coming One Planet One People Human World Summit is a continuation..
Even for the ROTA Gathering ‘Peace’ and ‘At-onement’ were basic themes. With the words of Don Alejandro ; ‘We are as the
fingers of One Hand’.
Living from the heart’ implies, with all differences and individual unicity, we are open and respectful to each-other.
It can be helpful to realize, from our inner knowledge, that we are all, in our unique way, expression of the energy of Source.
And with that comes the deep sense of connectedness. And also ‘curiosity’ to the other…
Concerning Peace, for me is so important, what the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono teaches and stresses, to be aware that each ‘conflict’
or ‘problem’ we encounter or experience, that we can only do that because we, ourselves are in that experience, and are part of it.
And at the same time therein lies the key to the solution….. the road to Peace in our World, starts with and within mySelf.
Ho’oponopono. So profoundly explained by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len in their book ‘Zerolimits’
On this ‘keynote’ I will gladly participate and ‘act’ together with the 144>>